IAS Preparation Tips | Civil Services Exam Preparation Tips:
The Civil Services examination is considered the most prestigious examinations conduct by UPSC. This exam process consists of 3 phases, Preliminary (kept in May), Main (kept in October/November) and Interview (held in March/April). Each year around 4 lakh people apply (only 50% that's 1.5-2 lakh actually come in the preliminary exam) for about 400 vacancies. Following the main examination around 5000 candidates are known as for your interview. Thus, this whole procedure for selection takes almost one year.
The Civil Services examination is considered the most prestigious examinations conduct by UPSC. This exam process consists of 3 phases, Preliminary (kept in May), Main (kept in October/November) and Interview (held in March/April). Each year around 4 lakh people apply (only 50% that's 1.5-2 lakh actually come in the preliminary exam) for about 400 vacancies. Following the main examination around 5000 candidates are known as for your interview. Thus, this whole procedure for selection takes almost one year.
As a beginner, the problem of the way to begin will invariably haunt you. As you are aiming for just about any large mission that is tough and incredibly prestigious. To begin your preparation step one is you have to know the process of IAS examination in the comprehensive manner. It's best for the beginners to know the different stages from the exam in details; it is also good for know about the changing trends and patterns of the Civil Services examination.
This information can be best acquired by interacting with the seniors or teachers and thru reading the interviews from the Civil Services Toppers available in print media as well as on internet. Various coaching institutes also organize the task Shops and Orientation Sessions for those beginners.
Before you enter an entire world of the Civil Services exam, it's also wise to thoroughly feel the syllabus with a minimum of compulsory papers that are mandatory for the aspirants.
Control over time and a resource in combination with an ordinary study schedule is an essential IAS exam preparation tips which shouldn’t be disregarded at any cost. Firmly hold towards the study schedules in addition to synchronize the preparation for prelims and mains.
Preparation for IAS exam will focus on how you study using the assessment. Although studying, get many cracks. This will make sense to keep the research periods short. Never memorize everything but ensure you understand the material well.
Success Request Mains: candidates must remember these points if they are going to prepare for mains exam.
• Selection of subjects
• Reading List
• Optional subjects
• Studying for General Studies
General knowledge is a big help in your prelims. So read newspapers, titles like your competition Success magazines, watch television news so that as many knowledgeable quiz shows like KBC as you possibly can. As the interview happens inside the month of April or May the year after from the exam, its call is usually submitted the month of March or April.
This information can be best acquired by interacting with the seniors or teachers and thru reading the interviews from the Civil Services Toppers available in print media as well as on internet. Various coaching institutes also organize the task Shops and Orientation Sessions for those beginners.
Before you enter an entire world of the Civil Services exam, it's also wise to thoroughly feel the syllabus with a minimum of compulsory papers that are mandatory for the aspirants.
Control over time and a resource in combination with an ordinary study schedule is an essential IAS exam preparation tips which shouldn’t be disregarded at any cost. Firmly hold towards the study schedules in addition to synchronize the preparation for prelims and mains.
Preparation for IAS exam will focus on how you study using the assessment. Although studying, get many cracks. This will make sense to keep the research periods short. Never memorize everything but ensure you understand the material well.
Success Request Mains: candidates must remember these points if they are going to prepare for mains exam.
• Selection of subjects
• Reading List
• Optional subjects
• Studying for General Studies
General knowledge is a big help in your prelims. So read newspapers, titles like your competition Success magazines, watch television news so that as many knowledgeable quiz shows like KBC as you possibly can. As the interview happens inside the month of April or May the year after from the exam, its call is usually submitted the month of March or April.
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